sábado, 13 de abril de 2013


I’m hurt.
Don’t go.
There’s so much more we don’t know.

Don’t hold my hand again,
Not in that way.
Don’t get closer and closer behind me.
Like you did in that ballroom, yesterday.

Don’t hold my hand,
Not when I’m already feeling your breath.
Don’t get too closer, please.
Just like you did, yesterday,
Just like you did in my dream.

Our fingers were dancing together,
I felt you closer, even knowing you shouldn’t be there.
Even knowing it wasn’t real.
I struggled against that attractive force,
So unexplainable.

I’m hurt.
Don’t go.
Leave, please, forever.
I refused you, in my dream.
Now, that I’m awake,
All I can say is that, somehow,
You’re still here.

Don’t go.
Never come back.
There’s so much more we don’t know.